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hey, I'm Irene
I had spent a solid 6 months praying about the idea of becoming a full-time entrepreneur. My clients were growing, I was daydreaming of what it would be like to be able to work around my children's school schedule, make an income based on the work I put in, and continue to help clients my way.
They had no idea at the time...
I was working in the Financial Industry while working on my business part time. I was managing the office and during my lunch and after hours, I would work on my business. The job paid a wage, but I had no real benefits and I was struggling with being able to spend time with my family. I felt uncomfortable with asking for time off and my compensation cap wasn't enough based on the work that I did. I was tired...and I knew I had to do something about it.
I did it. I quit my job and became a full-time entrepreneur! Things took off for me. The first month, I had made more in my business in one day than I did in two weeks at my previous employment. I knew I was on to something. For nine months, business was going well on the outside. I was taking every job, even if it wasn't my actual offers, because I was scared of failing. And something happened...
I felt like I was still working for someone but it was even harder because now I was working 5 jobs in one. I couldn't keep going on like this...it wasn't what I signed up for...
Then I hit this really Pivotal moment where i wanted to give up, but i didn't. I kept going. i kept doing the thing.
It's time to put your fears away and give your dreams the fighting chance they deserve. I'm going to help you get intentional and structured. I believe in the saying of teaching someone to fish vs. fishing for them. So you, my business fam, will learn every step I have learned to create a business you understand and want to show up to daily.
And now i'm going to help you own yours.
I decided to get intentional. I mean, who better to write my story than me? I mapped out various step-by-step processes, procedures, agendas...you name it! I created a system of how to understand, organize, and scale my business. I was able to create a 5-figure monthly income while working about 25 hours a week.
That was the exact moment it all changed for me. When I started owning my own story...
can't live without
favorite show
giving up,
being stagnant,
that hustle game
Affirmation talk,
being good with who you are,
helping you find
your Secret Blend
Putting your thoughts of business into actionable items is not for the faint at heart. Let's work together to create a strategy you can follow and succeed in. Dreaming into reality is what I do!